When we take groups on service trips, we like to include excursions that will teach volunteers about the culture of the country where we’re working. For this trip, we worked from morning ’til evening, so there was little time for excursions, but we did squeeze in some time for a few activities.

Our partner, Creating Opportunities for Guatemalans, has started a women’s sewing workshop, where a volunteer teaches women basic sewing skills so that they can earn extra income for their families. The women sew upcycled items using leftover traditional woven textiles and fabrics. They have formed a co-op called Manos de Maya and sell the items from their workshop, online through Facebook, and at various locations in Antigua.

We also visited a textile co-op where we were shown how traditional weaving is done in the village of San Antonio Aguascalientes, where the finished weave is reversible. Our group learned about indigenous wedding traditions of the area and was given the opportunity to dress in traditional wedding attire.

We rode a chicken bus to the village every day; ran across several processions, one of which was for Santa Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians; visited the town of Santa Maria; walked all over Antigua; and ate delicious food!

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